Burikhola Forest Village Primary School is the only education institute established by the Government of West Bengal. It is situated in the Burikhola Forest Busty, a small forest village surrounded by Mal Forest. It is a co-educational primary school was started its journey in 1957, ten year after the independence and since then it is providing the basic education to the forest villagers. It is the only school for the 60 odd families residing in this Burikhola village. Over the years, the school has imparted knowledge to several students and many of them are well established in their lives.
The school has classes from Pre-Primary to IV and it gives it level best to provide the facilities the government has provided and it also focus upon the health and hygiene of both the students and school premises. At present has only two teacher and 36 students.
Location of the School:
Burikhola F V Primary School
Gorubathan Circle
Gorubathan Block
Kalimpong, West Bengal- 735231
Facilities at the School:
The school has one number of Boys Toilet and One number of Girls toilet, it also has drinking water and hand wash facility at the school. It has no library and reading corner. It has three class room and one room for teachers.
The villagers has to dependent on school located at Mal Bazar or Siliguri for higher education and for the poor forest villagers this becomes a challenge.
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Burikhola Eco-Tourims Homestay
Burikhola Forest Village, PO-Fagu, Dist- Kalimpong, West Bengal
Mob.: +91-7001179775 (Suvo) /+91-78118 33241 (Dip)